Find out how fruit can improve your health and performance!
read moreFruit Buyer’s Report | Fruitful Office Autumn 2019
Dear All,
Autumn is a time of change: the weather starts getting cooler, leaves are changing colour and many office workers are getting ready for the last big push for the year.
It is also a time for change in the fruit markets, and our fruit mix certainly reflects this. It is a time when the more ‘staple varieties’ shine.
Below are some of Autumn’s highlights (please note that inclusion of different varieties is dependent on the specific product your workplace orders):
- British apples
We love British apples because they are crunchy, juicy and normally extremely sweet. By sourcing them from the UK, we are also minimising food-miles and supporting local farmers.
The most common varieties are Braeburn, Cox and Royal Gala. Most apples in the UK come from Kent, the ‘Garden of England’.
‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is an old Welsh proverb which reflects the amazing health benefits of apples. In fact, Medical News today featured them first in their list of healthy foods. Apples are nutrition powerhouses and research studies suggest the health benefits include: lowering levels of bad cholesterol, improving neurological health, reducing the risk of stroke and reducing the risk of diabetes.
- Pears
Pears may not be the most exciting fruit but we feel sorry they have earned this reputation: they are generally sweet, juicy, there are interesting varieties, and they pack a punch when it comes to health benefits!
Conference pears are our favourite because of their sweetness and juiciness when ripe.
Amongst other varieties, look out for the Ya Pear in our seasonal-mix offering. This interesting variety has been cultivated in Northern China for over 2,000 years and are one of China’s most popular fruits.
The Ya Pear contains about 87% water and various kinds of vitamins. The Chines use it for clearing away heat and moisturizing dryness in the lungs. Perfect fort hose dry air-conditioned office environments!
- Kaki fruit
The Kaki is a fruit from the Persimmon family – often cited as ‘food for the gods’ in ancient times. Although native to China, the Kaki species is the national fruit of Japan. Kaki was introduced into Southern Europe (like Spain and Italy) in the 1800s.
An excellent source of fibre, Kaki has been shown to protect against heart disease, aid in digestion and may reduce the risk of colon cancer. They are also high in antioxidants.
Stay healthy everyone.
Fruitful Office team