Fruit Buyer’s Report | Fruitful Office December 2016
Dear All,
Happy New Year! We are in full “winter mix” now which means that variety is much less abundant. However, we are doing our best to keep the “seasonal mix baskets” exciting with some less common varieties.
As we approach the New Year, we’ll once again be entering into full “Winter Mix” mode. Whilst it can feel there is slightly less variety in the winter months, we’ll still be keeping our Seasonal Mix baskets exciting with some more unusual varieties of fruit. Here are some of the highlights to look out for:
Local fruit
A great opportunity to try the local produce, the winter months mean we will be sourcing the majority of our fruit from the UK and Western Europe. Not only do they taste great, but we’ll also be minimising food miles and supporting local farmers.
Winter varieties coming into play
The British apple season is now in full swing and you can expect to find Braeburn, Royal Gala and Egremont Russet varieties until next Spring
Look out for the Redlove apple – red on the inside as well as the outside, this attractive variety is said to be much healthier for you than standard apples due to the high concentration of anti-oxidants
Conference pears are another classic winter fruit which are widely grown in Europe. The Belgian and Dutch varieties are the ones to look out for over the coming weeks
Dates have been a staple food of the Middle East for thousands of years due to their high carbohydrate value. The ancient Egyptians used them to make date wine and today they are often associated with the festive season. We’ll be using the medjoul variety which is not only very low in fat, but also high in natural sugars, potassium and dietary fibres.
Enjoy the forthcoming holidays!
Fruitful Office team