Thanking the NHS for their incredible work and sacrifice
Fruitful Office normally delivers fresh fruit to offices across the UK.
Whilst our clients’ staff are working from home, many companies have decided to donate their weekly fruit deliveries to our front-line teams, as a small gesture of appreciation for their incredible work and sacrifice.
As we face this time of unprecedented crisis together, we are all aware of the tireless support and care provided by front-line NHS and emergency services teams across the country - teams who on a daily basis are facing, and will continue to face, overwhelming challenges and hardship, whilst they care for everyone affected by Covid-19.
This scheme is providing front-line NHS staff with the opportunity to eat healthily during their long hours at work, and also to take fruit home to their families.
All hospitals are delighted with the deliveries and the word is spreading - we have already received requests to deliver to new hospitals as well as to deliver even more fruit to existing hospitals. The fruit has come as a much-welcome gift to help them through their intense working days - providing them with both health and energy!
NHS hospitals: 18
Amount delivered: over 7,500 fruit boxes (over 300,000 fruit portions)
Clients supporting scheme: over 200 clients